Castle Game

Tactical Problem: Trying to hit the cone
Skill development: Increase their technical skills of the forearm pass

Rules: 1) ball must be hit up above height of head
2) ball must bounce 1st before being hit
3) hit alternate shots with partner

Cues: stay low, hit off flat platform, arms extended, extend legs when contacting ball

Simplify: make target area (ie.castle) bigger

Extension: make into competitive game situation, do 5 jumping jacks when partner hits castle

Teaching Points:

  • What is the importance of hitting the ball high?
  • Why do we want to position ourselfs on the opposite side of the cone as the opponent? 
Picture of Castle Game 


Organizational Points:
  1. 1. get class in pairs
  2. 2. # themselves 1 & 2
  3. 3. 1's get cone and find open space in gym
  4. 4. 2's get volleyball
  5. 5. demo activity while explaining it to class   first